Dictionary.com Word of the Day

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Trade Deficit and Consumerism Gone Out of Control

So this means that Americans are spending more on cheap foreign goods and that "wealthy American trading partners...[are] growing too slowly and not buying more American goods and services"? According to Treasury Secretary John W. Snow, it is. I'm not convinced that this is indicative of an economic recovery. At what point do we realize that we have to change the paradigm and adjust to the realities of the 21st Century?

The problem is that we are the ultimate consumer society driven by bigger/cheaper is better, regardless of the impact to the rest of society upon whom this bulging consumerism teeters like a rock upon a needle. Only two outcomes are likely if we continue down this path: fall off the needle or break it in half.

Just to highlight how ridiculous it has become, Wal-Mart has started a huge campaign defending itself against the seemingly endless claims that they are bad for our country, that they are a rampaging beast satisfied with nothing less than world domination, but at what price? Take a look at their nice little propaganda machine website for more details:


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